Saturday, October 25, 2008

Google has been helping to conserve the language of Javanese

Google's search engine is famous in the world. To that end, Google tries to adjust to the areas concerned. Java language (Java language), especially Kromo Inggil or at least Kromo Alus current users getting more measures with the development of technology. How do not we see similar children while talking with her parents only use their own language Ngoko. The language should be used only while they are talking with people who are not obliged to respect them. Why can it happen? Are not they already have to respect their own parents? However, we know only education in the curriculum, there is still the Java language lessons. So how do we preserve the Java language? Recently, Google launched a program google language Java. Java language may be a bit strange in the Java community itself. We hope with the Java language google people will be aware of the Java language itself and on the heart to preserve the Java language. Preserve the Java language means preserving the culture of Java. Version of the Java language Google search engine that can be found at the address / intl / JW. With the entry of the Java language, Google currently provides services in 72 languages, including English. In addition to the site, search engine giant also has 26 sites with local domain of each country.

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