Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wizardry of Google

Google is a search engine in the world's largest Internet at this time, he has been able to overcome its competitors such as Yahoo, Lycos, AltaVista, Infoseek, Excite, etc. If you want to apply Search Engine Optimization strategy is right, as a part of Internet marketing strategy, then monitor the progress Google is compulsory nature. Almost one year since Google's stock entrance, the competition web site search (search engine) ascending. Even Microsoft's MSN and Yahoo! The first entry into this business is seen as loser, as the mighty Google. Behind the appearance that is very simple / simple, Google appeared to save a large amount of mystery, Google is able to display the results the search netter (possibly including you) only in seconds even sepersekian seconds, the largest search engine Google has billions of websites from all over the world, this might be one of the advantages of Google compared with its competitors.
Behind the success, Google provides an opportunity to companies or individuals to put ads on Google, called Google AdWords, advertisers will be the cost of each ad in the "click" by visitors, either buy it or not visitors, but Google does not raise the ad's cleanup posters, Google kaan qualify "keyword" what is sought by the netter, with the keyword that the ad will appear, it will be more "targeted" or other term "targetted.

Suppose a company "Cosmetic" is put ads on Google by entering one of keywordnya the form of "Cosmetic", Google will raise the ad (on the right side of search results) every time the netter to make Click / search using the keyword "Cosmetic" is.

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