Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Useful Google Talk Bots

This text from"The Useful Google Talk Bots". You can do a lot of interesting things such as talking with Google for notifications on alert, with the exception of references to delicious, and network management, calendars, and the reminders, and writing blogs, and even more than that.

These features can be easily integrated into Google through talking about 'Sir', which, in simple English, like a virtual online 24 × 7 will always respond with a smile to your questions or requests.

Here is a very useful one of ten 'Sir' Google to talk about the transition to a more useful program:

1 feeds. - Add this as an IM Bot abstracts: Rafik talk about your Google, and will be able to read any site or blog that syndicates content across RSS feeds.

To subscribe to the site on the Internet at GTalk, simply send a new IM message that says " sub" where is the URL you want to read conversation within Google.

friendfeed2. - This is the secret behind Bot Given the FriendFeed after Google's recent history. You can either provide links or text messages.

3. - Bot imified Google this is the real center of influence.

imifiedYou possible after a delicious bookmarks, and send messages to Twitter, to be submitted to the WordPress] entrances blog, blogger or Tumblr, Google Calendar event management, shorten the long URLs, and managed to Whois.

anothr 4. - like instant messaging feed, iNezha Bot feeds you read the debate in Google, but this is a little more diverse. For example, you can simply say "settled" and will show a list of feeds that every game is a research, so you do not have to type (or copy paste) feeds and dealt with.

Translation 5. Translation - and this is a free service from Google that helps you to translate words from foreign languages into your original. Bot add relevant (for example, for Indian English or English to Indian l) and friends, you send him a letter and that it will be translated immediately.

6 song. Use Google to hold talks with Twitter - invitation to become your friend Google talk and verification of your account. Now I Whenever this new instant messaging, a message posted automatically at the expense of your song.

alarm7. Reminders tasks set - if you need something important to remember that Google can talk to you send out reminders for the event.

Just add to your timing Twitter ' and then added to the list of friends you have in Gtalk. Now if you want to recall after 50 minutes, send a message directly to the song such as "The timing of pick-up 50 d of school children" and recalled automatically pop to talk with your Google after 50 minutes.

8. Transport craft - If you want to chat in your mother tongue (such as Hindi or Tamil) but I feel more comfortable using the English keyboard, and transport craft Google Bot will come within the reach of the person concerned.

For example, in addition en2hi.translit @ you 'sGTalk and all letters you type in English, will get translated in the language of your choice. Available only to a small number of Indian languages.

9. Xpenser - with xpenser, travel expenses, you can register via email, SMS or even talk Google. Add friends as you send a message such as "33.2 lunch with Bill Gates," which will be added as the expense of your spreadsheets on the Internet that can be accessed from anywhere.

Ping 10. - like Imified, is one of the most useful Google traffic there, especially if you use social networks or Doper partial codes.

Add to Gtalk, and you can communicate with song, Jaiku, WordPress],, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, friendfeed, linkedin, tumblr, plaxo 's, and more delicious.

meshly 11. Meshly - Add as a friend and will be able to post a link to the Internet through your Google Account Meshly talk. You can also add labels, and a description of your Gtalk groups for itself through a link.

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